Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Strange Update

Dear Strangers,

I'll be making posts every week end for now. The only exception will be the occasional Friday or when I'm sick.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Sle. . . *Snore* -snaps awake- What did I miss?

Dear Strangers,
Today's fun topic is: Sleep Deprevation! A.K.A IMSOMNIA!
This is because your loving blogette 'Lena La'Faye' has not been able to sleep. Not one lick. It's 1:31 in the morning and, after checking the Kiki Strike blog, Freak Book blog, AND all my sites, I am still not tired. Not a bit.
I've made posts, I've tossed and turned and eaten ice cream. But nothing. Hell, I even tried the best method of all (For a person with ADHD): Drink Coffee.
But nothing.
So I, Lena, your wonderful fact-bringer, will make this a topic for the Strange.
Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by the inability to fall asleep and/or the inability to remain asleep for a reasonable amount of time. Insomniacs have been known to complain about being unable to close their eyes or "rest their mind" for more than a few minutes at a time. Both organic and non-organic insomnia constitute a sleep disorder*
Wow, tell me something I didn't already know. Right?
Insomnia can be caused by:
Psychoactive drugs or stimulants, including certain medication, herbs, caffeine, cocaine, ephedrine, amphetamines, methylphenidate, MDMA, methamphetamine and modafinil
Hormone shifts such as those that precede menstruation and those during menopause
Psychological problems like
fear, stress, anxiety, emotional or mental tension, work problems, financial stress, unsatisfactory sex life
Mental Disorders such as clinical depression, bipolar disorder, general anxiety disorder
Disturbances of the circadian rhythm, such as shift work and jet lag can cause an inability to sleep at some times of the day and excessive sleepiness at other times of the day. Jet lag is seen in people who travel through multiple time zones, as the time relative to the rising and falling of the sun no longer coincides with the body's internal concept of it. The insomnia experienced by shift workers is also a circadian rhythm sleep disorder.
neurological disorders, brain lesions, or a history of Traumatic brain injury
Medical conditions such as Hyperthyroidism and Wilson's Syndrome
Abuse of over-the counter or prescription sleep aids can produce
Rebound insomnia
sleep hygiene
Poor sleep hygeine? What the Hell is Sleep Hygiene? Unsatisfactory Sex life? Damn, I feel like I could make my own comedy sketch using this one topic alone!
Well, for once, Lena was not able to get facts on it. But I will try to give you my on pychological analyasis as a High School Teenager. Basically, something's wrong in your life and sleep reflects it.
But what is my problem? -blinks and thinks- Do I watch too many infomercials? Did I step on a bug or something on accident? I'll try to sleep now, watch out for the next topic! (I'm feeling like doing 'Fish Sticks'.
Stranger Still,
Lena La'Faye
* Wikipedia

Mechanically Processed What?

Dear Strangers,

Today's topic for the Strange is the all-mighty SLIM JIM!

Slim Jim is a brand of dry meat snack manufactured by ConAgra Foods, Inc. They are popular in the United States, due in part to their unique texture, salty taste and "hip" marketing. More than 500 million are produced annually in at least 20 varieties.*

But what most folks do not know is that, among it's ingredients is MECHANICALLY SEPERATED CHICKEN! Yes, chicken. The beef jerky snack is not, in fact, ALL BEEF!
The amount of preservatives in the Slim Jim has always been a source of worry for people. I believe that those beliefs are correct! The total ingredients in the Slim Jim are, in all, preservatives instead of Chewy Jerky Goodness.

Beware the Slim Jim.

Stranger Still,
Lena 'Weird-o' La'Faye

(* From wikipedia)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Strange Cockroach Facts

Dear Strangers,

Today's strange Topic has to be: Cockroaches.

Gross, I know. But these creepy crawlies have to be one of the most interesting (And strange) bugs out there. For example, Cockroaches can live up to nine days without their heads. The only reason they die is because they cannot eat or drink anything. Turns out that the Cockroach, or 'water bug' actually has no brain in it's head. The brain is located in it's body!
Roaches assosiate common smells such as Vanilla and Peppermint to Food! So don't leave out those vanilla scented candles unless you plan on getting some unwanted guests.
They also leave Chemicals in their crap, yes I said crap. These chemicals are sort-of like a road map for other cockroaches. The roaches follow the pioneers trail to food and water. This helps exterminators because the possible murderers of the roach can make a trail using the same chemical, and lead the unsuspecting roach to their ultimate demise. This truthfully sucks for the roach because, eventually, the roach may not even trust themselves to use this trail. And may (As I suspect) lead to the future eradication of the roach.
But don't cheer and jump up just yet, roach haters. The chances of this actually happening is one-to-zero. Wishful thinking and such, ya know? But theories that the roach is soon-to-go are wrong. The roach's chances of staying on Earth long after humanity is extinct is high.

Get your bug spray ready, folks. They are coming.

Stranger Still,

Strange Fridays

Dear Strangers,

I mean 'Strange' in the best possible way. By 'Stranger' I mean that I do not know you. But I also mean that you are a reader of this blog, which is called 'Stranger and Stranger'. Thus, you are all 'Strangers' just by reading this!

Today is Friday and I stayed home today. My head's hurting, but my other symptoms ( Stuffy nose, throat) are gone. I would go to school now, but Mom's not feeling good. So I type and wait for the school day to end. My Zune is partly responsible for my entertainment during the three more hours I must wait for Dylan and Sav to get home. I want to go out and do something! I'm dressed and everything.

I screated this blog only yesterday, but I hope it looks nice. I'm making the banner and everything right now.
Make another Post later

Stranger Still,

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Stranger And Stranger Beginnings

As my first blog on 'Blogger' I must say that I'm sort-of worried. I mean, this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship between me and my blog. Stranger and Stranger Is one of the best names I've thought up in a long while. I do not remember where I saw it. But I saw it somewhere.

My finger hurts from typing so much. Since this is my first blog, I'll give you a minor introduction of Lena La'Faye:

I'm a short story writer who goes by the name 'Lena La'Faye'. I've written many shortys and writing at least three or so novellas. I've won one short story contest (Finalist, but that still counts) and I am getting published (Possibly) in 'Teen Ink' with my short story 'Crooked and Full of Stars' I won (Sorta) the short story contest with my story based on a true story (See details about how true in my other blog: sagefiona.livejournal.com)
